Personalized, Solution-Focused Representation

Alan J. Willmes, Esq.

119 Church Street
North Syracuse, NY 13212
phone:315 579 2268
fax:315 579 2269
Large Firm Quality
Small Town Feel

Free Initial Consultation
Home Visits Available

Estate Planning and Asset Protection

The rules seem to be always changing in this area of the law.

With years of experience helping clients protect their wealth, Alan J. Willmes, Esq. can help you develop a plan that will reduce or eliminate Federal and New York State taxes so that your assets go to your heirs in accordance with your wishes.

Advanced planning techniques also allow you to avoid the high costs and pitfalls that often occur when a person uses a Will to passes their assets to their loved ones. I can show you how to avoid having to probate a Will at all, reduce or eliminate the high costs associated with probate, while also avoiding what often takes years to complete an estate through Surrogate's Court.

Whether you have a considerable estate or a modest one, I have the experience to preserve your wealth for generations to come.